Large iGuzzini Pyramid Shaped Pendant

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Item Description

IGuzzini height adjustable pyramid shaped pendant in white plexiglass with translucent edges. Also suitable for a sloping ceiling. Italian 1980s modern design at its best, marked with label. Having treasures in one’s historical archives and being able to value them is not for everyone. iGuzzini’s path is dotted with icons designed by authors who have made the history of Design and who today are more relevant than ever. Among these well known designers are names like Gio Ponti, Luigi Massoni and Rodolfo Bonetto. These Mid-Century Modern Italian masters of modern design are cornerstones of a story start from afar and reveal themselves in full harmony with a contemporary design that recognizes the evergreen value of the aesthetic translation of a technical function, such as Ponti himself claimed.

Additional information






Height: 7.88 in (20 cm) Width: 20.87 in (53 cm) Depth: 20.87 in (53 cm)

Creation Date
